Работаем напрямую с производителями

We will do as you want, only a little better

We work directly with manufacturers, so we can influence the quality, appearance and packaging of the goods produced


We do not have ready-made prices for our products, because the cost of production for each product is calculated taking into account:

Параметров и характеристик

Parameters and characteristics

Тиража выпускаемой партии

Circulation of the produced batch



Upload the product photo
or technical specification

You have to choose the product from the catalog or just send a photo of the product you want to produce. Further, we contact you to clarify the details and characteristics of the goods.

We will help to make the choice and to determine the quality for each product. Once all the preliminary information has been gathered, we will be able to make a full calculation of the cost of the desired product.

Upload photos in JPEG, PNG, ZIP, RAR format

Работаем напрямую с производителями
Our advantages
Параметров и характеристик
— Crystallize your idea

As a rule, the factory requires very accurate, detailed information to produce the goods. Usually our customers have only a general idea that needs to be specificated.

We will work out the details of your idea, gather information on the components, work through and improve the prototype, devise the technical specification for manufacturing.

Тиража выпускаемой партии

We will help to make a prototype of a new product, to create a sample and to perfect it. And after that, to start production of the original goods, which have not previously been produced by anyone.

We will also help to patent the product or product model.


We ask the factory for samples
and send them to the client by express delivery:

Сбор образцов одного вида товара от 3-15 поставщиков для сравнения качества
Samples at the information gathering stage

Сollection of samples of one kind of goods from 3-15 suppliers for comparison of quality

Создание идеального прототипа для всей партии может потребовать от 1 до 5 итераций
Sample matrix

Сreating an ideal prototype for the whole batch can require from 1 to 5 iterations

Выборка изделий из партии и отправка клиенту для контрольной проверки
Samples from the produced batch

Сollection of assorted samples from the batch and sending them to the client for a control check

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